Persistence Leads to Results
Submitted by Darrell Ross, father of three strong willed daughters.

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."
--Benjamin Franklin

The most effective way to succeed in developing a business through networking is to build relationships and trust with the people you come into contact with. Eventually, people will come to you to do business or will send people to you that are pre-qualified for your product or service. How long this takes depends on your willingness to persist in building relationships without looking for immediate "payback" from the relationship.

Do You Want to Learn Persistence From the Masters - Observe Young Children.

I would say that my young daughters have taught me as much about persistence as anyone. In fact, it is my theory that babies are born with a huge capacity to persist, and then society eventually whittles away at it such that "old" guys like me have to re-learn it. The most successful people re-learn it sooner, or perhaps never lose this ability to last or endure tenaciously.

Let's look at the definition of persist first, to be able to understand this admirable trait.

Persist [per-sist, -zist]

  1. To continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, course of action, or the like, especially in spite of opposition….
    (ok, it's time to get ready for bed….why? Because it's 7:00. But I don't want to go to bed, I'm not tired. It doesn't matter, it's time to go to bed. But I'm not tired…If you don't go to bed now you'll be tired tomorrow…No I won't, I promise I won't be tired tomorrow, please daddy please just one more story…No it's time to brush your teeth and go to bed… But I don't want to brush my teeth…and so forth for an after day seemingly for months, or has it been years?
  2. To last or endure tenaciously...have you ever been on that five hour flight with the baby who will not stop crying…
  3. To be insistent in a statement, request, question, etc. - anyone who has ever spent any time with a toddler knows the word….WHY?. "You have to hold daddy's hand when you cross the street. Why? Because a car could be coming and not see you. Why? Because the driver might not be concentrating. Why? Because he might be changing the radio station. Why? Because he wants a different song. Why?...I don't know! Why…because I can't tell what he is thinking. Why? And so on, and so on and so on…

World English Dictionary Definition of persistence or persistency

1. the quality of persisting; tenacity
2. the act of persisting; continued effort or existence

Kids are able to persist, because they are wired to be only focused on what they want in that moment. Anyone who has reached any level of success, has mastered persistence - the ability to continue in spite of opposition - at the appropriate time. This may be the sales person who continues to make calls knowing that getting to a yes is a numbers game. Or the great inventions that are now part of our everyday life that one day many scoffed at and predicted that they would never work.

I have achieved great success at building relationships through networking, and it's because I was persistent in meeting a lot of people, finding ways to help them whenever possible and trusting that building the relationship was key. I spent more time than most, making sure that I attended a variety of events where I could consistently connect and reconnect with other business people.

One of the pitfalls of attending all of these meetings is that they often involve food…I was not as persistent with my workouts as my business and home life got busier and busier. Eventually about 25 lbs overweight and lacking energy I realized that working on persistence on a personal level is essential to a healthy life.

I am half way through my 100 day core fitness challenge using the Mastermoves system, and it has been persistence that has lead to life changing benefits….my wife asked me the other day, what has been the key to my success. I replied, "I've followed the program consistently, and I've been able to persist and maintain the workouts every day despite our busy life."

In retrospect, this persistence has actually led to new habits which will last a lifetime. And now when I'm debating with a strong willed toddler, I can smile and be grateful for the reminder that to continue steadfastly in some state, purpose or course of action is something to be admired.

Live a Fit and Prosperous Life!

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